Monday, June 02, 2008

Sermon Feedback

Dear Socratics,
I've formed a sermon feedback team to give me weekly feedback on my preaching. Below is the preaching evaluation from preaching class. What question do you wish had been added to this form? Or have any of you developed something like this?

P.S. There was one in the Preaching Dictionary by Willimon (I don't remember what entry it was and I didn't end up buying that book...does anyone have it?)

PR30 Evaluation Sheet
Name of Preacher ____________________
Sermon Text _____________

Evaluate using the rating below:

5 Excellent 2 Fair

4 Good 1 Poor

3 Improvement Needed

1. Was the sermon idea clear? 5 4 3 2 1

2. Was the text exegeted adequately? 5 4 3 2 1

3. Were illustrations sufficient and consistent with exegesis? 5 4 3 2 1

4. Was the sermon content connected with the text? 5 4 3 2 1

5. Was the theological perspective clear and accurate? 5 4 3 2 1

6. Was there adequate movement in the sermon? 5 4 3 2 1

7. How well was the idea developed? 5 4 3 2 1

8. Was it clear why this sermon was preached? 5 4 3 2 1

9. Was it clear to whom this sermon was preached? 5 4 3 2 1

10 Did this sermon proclaim the gospel of Christ? 5 4 3 2


11 Was the preaching done with confidence and conviction? 5 4 3 2 1

12 Were enunciation and diction clear? 5 4 3 2 1

13 Was the presence of the preacher consistent with the content of the sermon? 5 4 3 2 1

14 Were gestures enhancing or distracting? 5 4 3 2 1

15 How did the presence of the preacher contribute to the credibility of the

preached word? 5 4 3 2 1

Other comments:


Blogger Andy Rowell said...


I find it is best to receive preaching feedback from people who have preached in the past. They are more sympathetic and their feedback is more helpful. It is easier to take input from people who have preached themselves. Some people would disagree with that and of course I am not against regular lay feedback. But I did have some discouraging feedback from people who said all kinds of things that were a bit all over the place and just made me feel bad.

See this post by Will Willimon


See also Greg Surratt's description of the way they give sermon feedback at a large multi-site church.

Multi-site criticisms: #1 Multi-site churches don't value teaching gifts

Here is the form I used in preaching. It is based on the form used in my preaching course at Regent College with professor Darrell Johnson.

Preacher: _____________________
Text: _____________________
Title: _____________________
Date: _____________________
Please restate the main point of the sermon that you heard.
A) What helped me hear the Word of God through this sermon/preacher:

B) What would have helped me to hear the Word of God better:

C) This sermon makes / encourages / empowers me to . . .

1. Faithfulness to the text.
2. Flow of the sermon (structure, written for the ear, etc.)
3. Introduction
4. Conclusion
5. Voice (clarity; inflection; speed, etc.)
6. Mannerisms (face, hands, gestures, etc.)
7. Presence (eye-contact, warmth, integrity, etc.).

Andy Rowell
Th.D. Student
Duke Divinity School
Durham, North Carolina
Blog: Church Leadership Conversations

5:25 PM  
Blogger Tom Arthur said...

This is great. Thanks for the info.

9:28 PM  
Blogger Tom Arthur said...

So tonight I had my first sermon feedback team meeting. Here's the form we came up with:

Sermon Title: Sermon Date:

1.Presentation, speaking style and delivery
a.Were gestures helpful or distracting?
b.Were there moments when the presentation was especially helpful or especially unhelpful?
c.Was there a personal bond between the congregation and the preacher? When was this particularly evident?
d.Was the preacher authentic? Were there moments when the preacher seemed inauthentic?


a.Was the sermon easy to follow? Were there any moments that were confusing? Explain…
b.Was the point of sermon clear? What was the point?
c.Was the sermon faithful to the scripture passage?
d.Was the sermon successful at bringing the scripture passage to speak to today’s context both locally and globally? How so?
e.Was the sermon effective in challenging us to live more faithfully in our world (loving our neighbor, living justly, etc…)


a.What did you need to hear in the sermon today?
b.Was the preacher open to the leading of the Spirit in the sermon?


a.What will you remember from this sermon?
b.What did you learn? What did you feel? What will you do?


9:53 PM  

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