Wednesday, March 15, 2006

...and the wind cries Mary

I don't really know the mariological significance of Jimi Hendrix, but Papists, they're all about the Mary. Craig's Ratzinger document on Mary was interesting though devoid of the two issues I am most troubled by in mariology, not coincidently the two issues that have necessitated a pronouncement ex cathedra: Immaculate Conception and Assumption.

If these are doctrines inherited through Sacred Tradition, they are from a tradition of which I have been severed for 500 years and so for me they are difficult to see. Marian piety and veneration I find as the coherent outgrowth of any biblical ecclesiology and being non-Catholic, I do not see the difficulties that have arisen around Marian piety post-VaticanII.

On a side note, I find Marian piety much more [reasonable] sans Immaculate Conception, taking a small line from Milbank, because IC is so predeterministic and confuses the humanity of Mary partially.

Let us see if this takes us any where or if it is merely my personal pissings in the wind.


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