Thursday, June 22, 2006

Tony's Original Email


My original response to Tony's first email is below. I only responded to him as I didn't want to fill up email boxes with unwanted email. Some of us participate in these kind of conversations more than others. This is not to say that I think a mass email to introduce a topic or ask a question is bad. I think its great. But this Blog is probably a better place to continue the conversation past an intial email. So here's my frist response on 6-19-06...

Hey Tony,

I just went to the Virginia Annual Conference. Either ours was more exciting than yours or I'm wired differently than you are. Evangelism was a major point of discussion. 500+ churches in Virginia didn't have one profession of faith last year. Tons of time was spent around how to fix this problem. It was very cool.

At first glance of NC's vision, I'm greatly impressed. I didn't read it thoroughly but looked over the headings and dove in here and there were I was curious. I think its incredibly future oriented. Its focus is on evangelism and outreach. I like its beginning point of confession. It made me think about where I might need to confess for not being as evangelistic as I could be. It is bold and creative. I like the continual mention of "satellite" churches. I like the pairing of small under-functioning churches with larger functioning ones. I've always wondered why some of the small church pastors weren't on the staff of larger churches near by.

I don't know that I'll get to read it all, but at first glance it makes me want something like this for West Michigan Conference.

Hope that is helpful.

Peace and grace,



Blogger Unknown said...

I was interested to read of the idea of satellite churches and Tom's mention of smaller church pastors being on the staffs of larger churches. That sounds a lot like the original concept of a cathedral headed by a senior priest (bishop), which is the hub for country churches (priests). In other words, is it not the original catholic concept that led to episcopal government? If not, what's the difference?

3:56 PM  

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