Thursday, June 15, 2006

This is how you blog on this

Tangentially, this [provost's lecture series on privacy] is very interesting to me. Zizek has a line on the bill of rights being an anti ten commandments. It leads of with the right to privacy (the so-called penumbra of the whole list) as the right to do what you want in the privacy of your bedroom, e.g. commit adultery. It culminates with the right to freedom of religion being a right to adultery. His line on ethical violence also trades on this.

Hauerwas (et al) also have a bit to say about public/private stuff - both in terms of the fact/value distinction that drives political liberalism, and the more pedestrian personal sense of non-invasiveness.

The most immediate resonance for me with respect to field-ed is the issue of money, tithing, and giving. Half my cohort meets every week to talk about the Sunday lections, and whatever else suits us. Apparently Mormons send a financial analyst to you when you join up to plan how you can "afford" your level-best 10%. Also, the community/church Jeremy is serving this summer has some sort of financial disclosure protocol - non-binding; you just have to fess up. Tara and I have often toyed with this idea, but have never had the moral courage to take the plunge.

In short, this seems a rich and expansive topic with which much could/should be done. Ask for the line-up as soon as it comes out. I expect that someone or another will prove a particularly interesting interlocutor.

BTW - Jennifer Stallings is a Messiah grad; I'm trying to build my voting block within the Wheatiecentic universe in which I find myself.



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